RRB Recruitment 2025

RRB Recruitment 2025

RRB-Railway Recruitment Boards –  Invites Online applications for the recruitment of 1036 Ministerial and Isolated Categories Posts Before applying for the recruitment, Applicants must carefully read the notification and ensure their eligibility.



CBSE Recruitment 2025

Qualification :

Click Here to download PDF


Age Limit:

Application Fee: 

For all candidates except the fee concession categories mentioned below.
Out of this fee of Rs 500/- an amount of Rs 400/- shall be refunded in due course duly deducting bank charges, on appearing in 1st Stage CBT – Rs 500/-

For PwBDs / Female /Transgender/ Ex-Service men candidates and candidates belonging to SC/ST/Minority Communities/ Economically Backward Class (EBC).(Caution to Candidates: EBC should not be confused with OBC or EWS).
This fee of Rs 250/- shall be refunded in due course duly deducting bank charges as applicable on appearing in 1st Stage CBT – Rs 250/-

How to Apply:  

(a) Candidates must read all the information and instructions carefully before filling the online application to prevent mistakes.
(b) Check RRB wise Vacancies for the qualification and Reservation Category: The candidates are advised to check the Post Parameter Table and Vacancy Table in this CEN to ascertain vacancies notified against all RRBs and then decide the RRB for which they wish to apply and ensure that the RRB to which they wish to fill in the online application is having vacancies for their educational qualification, community/category and eligibility in terms of age, medical standards, disability etc.
(c) Following steps may be followed to dynamically ascertain the availability of vacancies and candidate’s eligibility for various posts notified:
(i) Post Parameter Table: From this table, candidate can ascertain the post(s) for which he/she is eligible as per qualification, type of disability for which post is suitable if PwBD, required medical standards etc.
(ii) Vacancy Table: To ascertain the comprehensive details of vacancy of all the posts notified against an RRB for his/her eligibility, candidate may select the RRB from the drop down list of RRBs and can view the vacancies for all the notified posts against various Railways/Units attached to that RRB on selecting the eligibility parameters.
(iii) After scrutinizing the vacancy table, candidates may decide the RRB for which they wish to apply duly ensuring that vacancy exists for their qualification/community/EWS/PwBD/ExSM category etc.
(iv) Once the RRB has been selected, preliminary registration is completed and registration number is allotted, change of RRB will not be permitted under any circumstances.
(d) Candidates must first ‘Create an account’ for this CEN through the link given in the official RRB websites at Para 15.0 (i) below. They must have an active personal mobile number and a valid email ID for receiving OTPs for account creation. No change in details filled in ‘Create an Account’ form (including mobile number and email ID) will be permitted later. If a candidate has already created an Account for CENs notified in the year 2024, he/she should use same account credentials to log in and apply for this CEN (i.e., CEN No. 07/2024) as well.
During the ONLINE APPLICATION, candidates will be asked to ‘Create Account’. If a candidate has already created an Account for CENs notified in 2024, they should use same account credentials to log in and apply for this CEN as well. If the candidates have not created an Account earlier, they must first ‘Create an Account’ before proceeding to fill up the application for this CEN. Candidates are advised to fill in the details required for account creation with utmost care, as corrections of any kind will not be permitted once the account is created. Details filled in the ‘Create an Account’ form (including mobile number and Email ID) cannot be modified at any stage once the account is created. Before final submission of application, candidates are advised, in their own interest to authenticate their identity using Aadhaar during the “Create an Account” stage. If they miss this step, they can still authenticate Aadhaar during the process of filling the details in online application by using the “Verify Aadhaar” facility after providing their Aadhaar details. This action will facilitate a smoother process at different stages of recruitment for the candidates.
(e) Candidates can apply for the notified posts of any one RRB as per their eligibility only through ONLINE application mode by visiting the official website of RRBs listed at Para 15 (i). Read all the Information and Instructions detailed in the CEN thoroughly before starting the filling up of application by clicking the CEN 07/2024 Link on the RRB Website. It is essential that the candidate understands all information of the CEN correctly to prevent any mistakes while filling application.

Last date for Submission of Application:  06.02.2025

Application Link

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