Anna University Project Associate – II Recruitment 2024

Anna University Project Associate – II Recruitment 2024

Anna University Invites  applications for the recruitment of Project Associate – II Posts.  Before applying for the recruitment, candidates must carefully read the notification and ensure their eligibility



பாரதியார் பல்கலைகழகத்தில் வேலைவாய்ப்பு

Qualification :

UG: First class B.E/B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering / Information Technology/ Cyber Security.
and PG: First class M.E/M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering / Information Technology/ Information Science and Technology/ Cyber Security/Information Security

(i) GATE / NET Qualified candidates
(ii) Capable of using NS3 tool and other security tools for Computer and Network Security.
(iii) Network Security certification

General Information:

1. GATE / NET Qualified candidates will be given preference. If suitable candidates are not found in GATE/ NET category, Non GATE / Non NET candidates will be considered for suitable post and salary will be fixed accordingly as per norms of Anna University.
2. Short-listed candidates will be called for written test &/ interview. No TA/DA will be given to candidates for attending the interview.
3. The date and time of interview will be informed later to the candidates by email only.
4. Candidates should appear for interview along with their original certificates and other relevant documents.
5. Selected candidate is also permitted to register for Ph.D. programme in Anna University, Chennai.
6. The position is temporary and duration of ISEA Phase III project which may be extended/renewed every year six months subject to satisfactory performance.

How To Apply

Interested candidates possessing required qualification & expertise may send both their hard and soft copy of the filled-in application form (as per Annexure – II) to the following address and Email Ids.Send the filled-in application form (as per format attached) with self-attested photocopies of educational qualifications, date of birth certificate, and any other experience certificates, mark sheets, and evidence of any other academic credentials such as GATE/NET qualified, by post to reach on or before 20th October 2024 by 5.30 pm and scanned copy of the application shall be sent to the following email- IDs

Application PDF

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