Indian Air force Group C Recruitment 2024
Invites applications for the recruitment of Guest Faculties Posts. Before applying for the recruitment, candidates must carefully read the notification and ensure their eligibility.
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Qualification :
(i) 12th Class pass from a recognized Board.
(ii) Skill test norms on computer
Clerk (LDC) Matrix 7th English typing @ 35 words per minute, or CPC Hindi typing @ 30 words per minute
(35 words per minute and 30 words per minute correspond to 10500 Key Depressions per hour or 9000 Key Depressions per hour on an average of 5 Key Depressions for each word).
How to apply:
Eligible candidates can apply to any of the above Air Force Station of their choice subject to the vacancies and qualifications. Application as per format given under (typed in English/Hindi), duly supported with the following documents is to reach the concerned Air Force Station as per choice within 30 days from the date of the publication of this advertisement in ‘Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar’.
(a) All documents in support of Education Qualification, Age, Technical Qualification,Physically Handicapped, Experience Certificate & Caste Certificate (issued by the competent civil authorities in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates) etc. to be accompanied with the application should be self attested.
(b) In case of appointment of OBC candidates against their reserved quota their caste should be listed under Central List of OBCs as candidate belonging to castes listed under Central list only are eligible for appointment to Central Services. The latest rules with regard to creamy layer in OBCs are to be followed.Candidates seeking reservation as OBC is required to submit along with application a certificate to the effect that he does not belong to any of the creamy layer.
General Instructions:-
(a) Application received after due date will not be considered. IAF will not be responsible for any kind of postal delay.
(b) Pre-scrutiny of the application in terms of age limit, minimum qualification, documents and certificates will be carried out by the respective unit before calling the suitable candidates for the written test / skill / practical test.
(c) The centre for examination/ skill / practical test will be intimated to the candidate in due course. The centre may be different from the place to which the application was sent. This is done purely for administrative convenience.
(d) No TA/DA will be paid to attend the written test / skill / practical test.
(e) Selected candidate will be subject to all India service liability.
(f) Merely fulfilling the basic selection criteria does not automatically entitle a person to be called for test / skill /practical test.
(g) Candidates are to bring original certificates viz.SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBD/ESM, educational qualification /
technical qualification and experience certificates at the time of the skill / practical test. The crucial date for determining the validity of said documents/certificates will be on or before the last date of receipt of application.
(h) There will be simultaneous conduct of test for all categories.The responsibility of deciding the category for which the candidate would like to appear will be choice of the applicant himself. No separate No separate exam will be conducted for candidates applying for more than one category, if the exams are held on the same date.
8. The Air Officer Commanding/Station Commander /Commanding Officer of the concerned AF Station has the right to reject any application without assigning any reason.Similarly, respective Command/Unit has the right to change the number of vacancies / reservation status at any AF Station at any time before selection.
To download Application PDF – Click Here
Last date for Submission of Application 29.09.2024